Saturday, May 24, 2014


We got up bright and early this morning.  Preston looked so funny when I woke up.  We could fit a lot of people in the motorhome if they all slept like him!
We dropped off Jorja and Preston at my dad's house around 6:00 this morning.  He was waiting for them on the porch.  He fed them scones for breakfast.  I'm sure that was a hit!  It was raining when we got up to the crater.  First we had to do a compass course.  That was pretty fun. Then we were able to go inside.  Our first dive we had a few more skills we needed to pass off.  The thing I haven't liked is we have to do all these worse case scenarios.  I'm glad I know what to do if something goes wrong, but it is not very fun to practice.  I hate the full mask flood. We also had to go to the surface on one if we were out of air.  The last dive was more fun.  Our only skill we needed was the underwater compass navigation.  That was pretty fun.  Then we just got to explore.  The crater is pretty small, so there wasn't a whole lot to see.  It sure was warm though!  I loved that!

We stopped for sandwiches at Wasatch Back and then headed to my dad's house.  I picked up Jorja and Maysen.  Mike took Preston with him to Home Depot.  I dropped Maysen off at our house and took Jorja to Natalie's birthday party at the ice rink.  I watched until I felt okay leaving Jorja.  She got on the ice all wobbly.  Immediately her friends were there making sure she was okay.  Ella took her by the hand and skated with her for awhile.  I sure love Jorja's friends.  I am so sad they are splitting up these kids!

I was excited to see the floors when I got home.  There is now a pretty shine to them.  Beautiful!
Mike and Preston picked up a boat at Home Depot and tried it out in the pool.  I'm not sure what they were doing, but they had fun.
Once Jorja got home from her birthday party I took her to Dallin's house.  They had invited Jorja over last week, but right before she was supposed to go there we got a text saying Dallin was throwing up.  Poor guy!  Jorja was so excited to go there.  She has had a busy day!  Once I got back from dropping her off we headed to Steve & Shannon's in the motorhome.  They let us hang out there and play with them since we couldn't really spend any time in our house.  Preston and Weston had a lot of fun playing together.  Here they are having a chair race.
Shannon took me to pick up Jorja.  She was busy playing with Dallin's rats.  Sounds like she had a great time.  She loved playing with their hammock in the basement.  It is hooked up to the ceiling.  They also walked a neighbors dog and earned ice cream sandwiches.
Jorja & Oreo
Mike, Steve, Weston and I played a card game.  Weston and Mike were pretty good, but Steve and I managed to win two hands.  Out of about ten.  Not too shabby.  (I know....very shabby....but whatever...)

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