Friday, May 23, 2014

The Crater

More work is happening at our house.  The final wood is being laid.  We are not going to be allowed back in here until Sunday morning.  Mike left our bedroom door unlocked so we would be able to get in there. Although when we got home it was locked!  Luckily Mike was able to find the key, because we were sure planning on being able to get to our clothes!  We also left the downstairs door unlocked.  We rarely go out this way.  It was great to have access to the kids rooms.  The sink and toilet are all put back together, so that is great.
My dad picked up Jorja and Preston after school.  He has Max this weekend, so they had a great time playing there.  They love the new puppy even though I think puppies are ridiculous and annoying. Shannon picked up Stockton after school.  He stayed over night with them.  I checked Maysen out of school after her 2nd period class.  She ended up missing her psychology final.  Hope that doesn't come back to haunt her.  Hopefully she can make that up next week.  We met Mike at his work and headed to The Crater for our scuba certification.  We did two dives today.  We have two dives scheduled for tomorrow.  The water is super warm there, so that is awesome.
Maysen, Mike, Stephanie
We had dinner at the Black Bear Cafe then headed to my dad's house to pick up Jorja and Preston.  We were excited to see what our floors look like.  It smells really bad inside, but it is looking really good!
We slept in the motorhome tonight.  It is nice to have a place to be where we can escape from the fumes!

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