Thursday, May 22, 2014

Good-Bye Mrs. Moon

Mrs. Moon is retiring this year.  She was Preston's kindergarten teacher.  He just loves her!  They gave Mrs. Moon an apron with little ice-cream cones everywhere.   The ice creams are made from the thumbprints of all her past students that are still at the school.  So cute! They have their names next to each cone.  We found Preston's name. It had his first and last name.  Nice!
Mrs. Moon & Preston
 Really Preston?
 Stephanie, Mrs. Moon & Preston
 Mrs. Bringhurst & Preston
Mrs. Bringhurst is Preston's teacher this year.  Although he calls her Chen Lao Shi.  Jorja's teacher is also Chen Lao Shi.  He was sitting next to Mrs. Bringhurst.  When I was taking the picture he stuck his head over to photobomb, but I was too slow.  It would have been so funny!  I couldn't get a picture of Jorja with him because she had made it back over to the ice cream counter for more toppings on her ice cream.

I was in such a rush.  We were only able to be there for about ten minutes.  Of course I had forgotten about the party, but Preston really wanted to go.  We hurried home.  My dad was already there.  Thank goodness!  He was picking up Jorja and Preston while the rest of us were at scuba.  The workers were still at our house, so I didn't want Jorja and Preston to be home without me.  My dad had Max today (which is unusual on a Thursday) they seemed to have a great time.  I hurried and got in my swimsuit and headed out.  We picked up Josh and dropped him and Stockton off at diving.  We had a few minutes before our scuba class and the plan was to grab something at Sonic. Too bad when I got in my swimsuit I took my wallet off of my neck and left it home.  We managed to convince Mike to leave work a bit early so we could use his magic wallet.

We had our last scuba class in the pool.  It was a long night.  We got our equipment that we will need for this weekend.  It's nice they let us take it home instead of having to check it out at the store.  I was so tired after class.  Scuba really exhausts me.  I wonder if it is the compressed air that we breathe.  On the way home I realized I forgot to text my Beehives about the activity tonight.  It was at a different time and on a different day.  I hope they remembered.  I can't wait until I can get my life back under control!

Our floors are looking good though.  They are almost done.  There is a little more to do in the kitchen.  They sure look beautiful!
Also, the hole in the ceiling where Mike fell has been patched up.  Mike said, "I am so glad I have no idea what that cost me."  It is nice that we were able to get it fixed so fast.

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