Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Baseball Pictures

Matt came over and I got to play with Anne today.  We also watched 24. That was fun.

Preston had team pictures for baseball.  I didn't get to stay.  I needed to go to Young Womens'.  Preston is doing so much better!  He hit the ball twice on the first pitch.  He was pretty excited about that!
He hits
 He scores!
 He plays catcher.
Preston absolutely loves playing catcher.  Both times he has done it I have been at Young Womens.  I hope I can see him do it in person sometime.  He looks adorable!

While I was working on this, Jorja sent me a text.  She said, "Cute little Boing was on a night-time hunt!"  Then she sent me a picture of her frog and said, "She's so cute!!!"  Sounds like there is some serious sleeping going on in that room.

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