Wednesday, May 7, 2014


This morning Mike came into our bedroom holding some weird box.  I asked him what it was.  He said it was the box to the old alarm system. I asked him where it was.  He looked at me with a stunned look on his face.  "I forget how completely unobservant you are."  The box was in the upstairs bathroom.  I have never once noticed it.  We do have a square of interesting wallpaper left.  Well, not anymore.  I got rid of that today.
Mike said, "Challenge.  Tell me where the other alarm box is.  This is as obvious as the pencil sharpener at the cabin."  I had no clue.  Preston then ran ahead saying, "I'll show you Mom!"  Looks like the other box was right where I hang my keys.  Again, I never noticed it.  Look at that lovely wallpaper that used to be in our kitchen though.  The cabinets were also painted 'ox gray'.
Rob gave us a schedule.  I hope everything happens like he is planning for.  It would be awesome to have the kitchen finished by the end of June.  Then Brett & Rachel can see it finished!  Maybe Rachel will make me something delicious in the new kitchen.  We have to get everything out of our kitchen and living room by Monday.  This will be interesting. I wonder where we will put the piano?
Maysen has been feeling sick for a couple of days.  Jorja and Preston came home with sore throats.  I cuddled with Preston in bed for quite awhile.  All the kids came in and watched Studio C.  We then found a LeapFrog show for Preston on Netflix.  He was happy about that.  He just looked miserable.  Poor little guy.  I hope he feels better tomorrow.

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