Thursday, May 8, 2014

Mother's Day Card

Preston didn't look too hot this morning.  He didn't have a fever, but just looked lethargic.  I wasn't sure if I needed to keep him home from school.  Thursday mornings are usually crazy.  Mike works at the temple.  Jorja has violin so I usually take all four kids and drop them off at their various schools.  Today I got Preston cozy in my bed watching a show.  I told him not to get out if anyone knocked on the door.  Rob has a key and anyone else can wait.  Preston was feeling a little better when I came back.  He said he wanted to go to school.  "No way am I missing orange day!"  Orange is his favorite color.

Preston came home looking very tired.  He had a Mother's Day card in his hand.  I asked if I could see it and he handed it over.  If he was feeling better he would not have let me even have a peek of that until Sunday.  Anyway, the card was so cute.  He is so adorable!

Happy Mother's Day

My mom is as pretty as a flower
She is as sweet as honey
She is as smart as a calculator
But most of all, she is as special as The world!

Dear, Mom,

your awesome  I hope you'll have A great time at home  this is A very spetial note for you

your the best

Love, preston

Love it!  I love the spelling.  I think it is funny he knows how to spell awesome.  Hopefully he'll soon learn how to correctly use your/you're. Thanks baby-cakes!  I love it!

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