Friday, May 9, 2014

Really Scary Bug

At exactly 7:03 this morning I decided to check the calendar and see what I needed to do today.  It was then I realized that the boys had a dentist appointment at 7:30.  They weren't even dressed.  Yikes!  We got ready as fast as we could.  Mike took Maysen to school.  Jorja was going to get herself out the door and to the bus.  Luckily I had really good luck with the lights.  We were only a few minutes late.  Once we were there I got this text from Jorja.  "There's a really scary looking bug in my backpack, and I don't know how to get it out."  I told her to use her other backpack.  She wrote back, "All my stuff is in my frog one. Right now I have gloves on and I am dumping everything out.  It is really scary."  Then, "Okay, I'm taking my pink backpack because I'm too scared to try to get it out.  I got all of my stuff out.  My blue backpack is on a chair in the kitchen all zipped up.  Maybe you or dad could get it out."  Mike got the bug out.  This is what the bug looked like.
Rob worked on getting the bathroom cabinet out today.  I should have asked him to do that earlier, so the drywall guys could fix the sides.  Oh well.
Pool bathroom
 New outside door
 Starting to pull up the floor in the hallway
Mike and I planned to go to Costco today, but it was closed.  So we went to Village Inn.

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