Saturday, May 10, 2014

Number 2,000

Originally I wanted to title this post, "I hate dogs!", then I realized it was my 2,000th post.  I decided "Number 2,000" was a nicer title.  My dad got another dog.  So annoyed!  Dad, that is so annoying!  Kenny died this week.  Jaxie last week.  After years and years of going over to my dad's house with extremely annoying dogs, all of a sudden they were all gone.  Then my dad immediately gets another dog!  I didn't even get to go over to his house once without dealing with dogs.  He only lives 9 minutes away!  Grrrrrr.

Mike and I spent most of the day trying to clear out the kitchen.  We were hoping to get it all done, but that was not to be.  Jorja invited some friends over.  She was so excited all day about it.  She is sure going to miss these friends.  They all now have e-mail addresses, so hopefully she can keep in contact with them that way.  She loves to play dragons with them.  Her dragon friends were all able to come except Ava.  We'll have to try again.  They were in the pool for a couple of hours.  The didn't want to leave when it was time; that's always a good sign.
Jorja & Jazzie
 Dallin, Jazzie, Jorja
 Jorja, Jazzie, Dallin
 Jazzie, Jorja, Olivia
 Olivia & Jorja
Tonight we went to Arsenic and Old Lace with my dad and Gayle.  We gave this to my dad as a birthday present a long time ago.  He loves this play!
Stephanie, Jorja, Maysen, Stockton
 Gayle, Ron, Preston, Stephanie, Jorja
The kids did great.  I think they liked it, but not as much as The Foreigner.  We were so tired when we got home.  Preston fell asleep on the way.  He knew he would and wanted to make sure Mike would carry him to bed and take off his shoes.  Oh, and it's Preston's half birthday. He is officially 7 1/2.  He was very excited about that.

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