Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day

I took some really cute pictures of the kids today.  I can't find them anywhere.  My phone has been acting weird.  Probably because I keep dropping it.  Anyway, for some reason my pictures didn't save on my phone.  I took a picture of Jorja holding flowers and banana bread. Her primary teacher sent them home with a vase with four roses and a mini banana bread loaf.  Yummy!  Preston came home with a card that said, "Mom, I love you to pieces."  (There was a heart filled with pieces of colored construction paper) So cute.  Maysen even made a card that said, "Mom you are the sweetest."  (A couple of different candies were taped to the card.)  The Young Women taught the primary classes third hour so that the young women and primary teachers could go to Relief Society.  Maysen and Sephora taught the CTR 7 class.  They ended up only having two kids.  Preston is in CTR 8, and that class was packed! Olivia, Olivia and Ebony were teaching that one.  They were so excited about it and did such a great job!

I got the base set of Dominion for Mother's Day.  Yay!  I can finally play with Moat.  We played two games of Dominion.  Preston won the first game.  Stockton tried to tell him it didn't matter who won because we were going to play another game.  Dad would only put the name on the sign on who won last.  Silly Stockton.  He doesn't understand you always need to win Dominion.  The second game we played we let everyone pick their two favorite cards.  Mike picked Rats, of course.  In the middle of the game Stockton started singing.  It was so funny!  He sang to the tune of some Wreck-It Ralph song.  I can't remember exactly what he said, but he was basically singing about rats multiplying using the powers of two.  He was so fast too!  He got all the way up to 16,384.  Mike was dying.  He said, "Stockton, you have to do something with computers if you can do that!"  Stockton said 16,384 was as far as he could go.  Then he started singing about 32,768 rats.  I said, "I thought you couldn't go that high."  Stockton said, "Well, not instantly.  I had to think about it for five seconds."  Or something to that effect.  I tried to get Stockton to sing the song for me so I could record it.  He would not oblige.  Even for Mother's Day.

We did get to watch The Amazing Race tonight.  SO EXCITED that Dave and Connor are in the finals!  They have been so fun to watch.

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