Friday, May 16, 2014

Granite Pillar Award

Heather and I drove up to Idaho this afternoon.  Heather made the drive MUCH faster.  It was so nice having her to talk with on the way.  I picked her up at her house, which is beautiful!  Zac has worked so hard on it.  This was the first time I made it down there.  They have done such a good job.  Heather and I got to Grandma & Grandpa's about the time they were ready to leave.  We just hopped in the car with them.  I love being around them.  It was so nice to see some of my cousins and my aunts and uncles.  I love my family.
Heather, Stephanie, Grandma, Jordyn
My grandpa was awarded the Granite Pillar Award from the BYU Management Society.  They give this award for a lifetime of moral and ethical service and leadership.  That's my grandpa!  I wish I had taken notes.  I wanted to post some of the stories he told.  I remember him talking about getting one cigarette a day in the war.  He sold those to the Russians.  When he came home he bought a $900 car with his cigarette money.  Steve talked about how his parents never used bad language.  When Uncle George came to visit, he kept talking about the 'damn cows'.  This confused Steve.  He didn't understand why Uncle George was talking like this.  My Grandma sat him down and said, "Steven, when you grow up in the city they are 'cows'.  When you grow up on a farm they are 'damn cows'."  They played a radio interview my Grandpa did where he talked about the war.  At the end he talked about the Germans being good people.  It was just a few leaders who were bad.  Little by little the Germans lost their freedom without even realizing it.  He talked about how important it is to be aware of what is happening in politics and to make good choices when we vote.  I am so glad Heather and I were able to come up for this.  Especially when Steve said that Grandpa had six kids.  Three of them are no longer living, but every child is represented here.  I represented my mom and Heather represented Aunt Kris.  Today was a good day.
Grandpa receiving his award
 My family.  Front: Courtney, Stephanie, Grandma, Grandpa
Back: Jackie, Heather, Debie, Savannah, Jordyn, Renee, John
Terry, Lauren, Rozie, Sharon, Tanner, Steve
My grandpa took us on a trip down memory lane. We drove by the house on Maplewood on the way to the ceremony.  That is the house I remember and have the best memories of.  On the way home we drove by the first house in Idaho Falls that my grandparents lived in.  My mom lived there until 4th grade.  It has a bizarre chimney.  Also, there was a purple limo out front.  We also drove by the church they went to. It was beautiful!  It is now owned by the Salvation Army, I think.
First Idaho Falls house
 Church...I wonder if my mom was baptized here?  I should ask.
Heather and I slept in the twin beds downstairs.  We had a little sleepover.  It was fun to be little kids again.  Today was such a fantastic day!  My grandma and grandpa are the best.

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