Thursday, May 15, 2014


My plan was to do laundry all day today.  I ended up helping in Jorja's class all day.  After I pulled out kids in the morning class, her teacher asked me if I could come and help the afternoon class.  It wasn't a big deal.  Who needs laundry?  I did get to run to Zupas and have a birthday lunch with my friends.  It was Katie & Kanani's birthday.  That was pretty fun and a great break.  My friend Julie asked if I would invite her over when we are finished with our kitchen.  She had seen our house when she was house shopping.  It definitely was a fixer-upper, but we love it.  It has been great for us.  I love where we live so much!  It's pretty funny because there have been many, many people that have told us they almost bought our house.  My friend, Ashley, even put an offer on it but the offer was turned down.  We ended up buying the house for exactly what Ashley and her husband had offered. They moved in about a year after we did.  She really wanted a house in this neighborhood.  She has a cute, small house.  We were so lucky.

Today was crazy again!  I dropped of Jorja at achievement days and Stockton at diving.  I came home and got Preston ready for his baseball game.  My dad picked up Preston and took him there.  Thank you!  I had asked Allison (Josh's mom) if she could pick up the boys from diving today and next week.  Josh called me after school and told me he wasn't going to diving, but his mom would still pick up Stockton.  That was so nice!  I don't know what I would have done . . . well, Stockton would have had to skip diving.

Mike, Maysen and I had our second scuba class.  I really loved the dive tables.  Kind of fun.  We had to practice clearing water out of our snorkel.  I could not do it.  We have this dry snorkel that the shop lady told me was awesome.  I just couldn't blow hard enough to clear it. Mike had no problem with his.  One of our instructors let me borrow her snorkel and it was a ton easier.  We also had to let our mask fill with water and practice clearing the mask underwater.  I, again, could not do it.  I found out later that I wasn't blowing through my nose.  It works a lot better when you do it right!  Now my eyes are stinging.

The kids were all asleep when we got home.  They are awesome.  Jorja and Preston were in the motorhome, Stockton was in his bed.  I miss my babies, but it is so nice to have freedom again!

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