Wednesday, May 14, 2014


We found out this afternoon that Preston had a baseball game.  Good thing I washed his shirt this morning!  He wore it to the BYU game yesterday.  Speaking of the BYU game.  My dad took Preston, Ella and Abby to the game.  What a brave dad!  They stopped by to say hi to Eric.  They waited in a press box until an inning break, then were able to say hi.  Pretty cool.  Okay, back to today's game.  I could not find Preston's mitt anywhere.  We finally just went to the game and had him use Mike's mitt.  He was not happy about it, but said the mitt was great for grounders.  He got to play catcher again.  This is the first time I was able to watch him as catcher.  He loves it!  It was hilarious.  For awhile he would jump over every ball that came to him.  Haha!  He totally understands baseball!
Three rooms of tile are now finished!  Happy dance!  I think they look great.
Pool bathroom
 Downstairs bathroom
 Laundry room

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