Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Mike's 40!

Today is Mike's 40th birthday.  Wow!  He's old.  This is the only picture I got of him today.  Pathetic, I know.  Our life is quite chaotic right now. I'm planning on making Mike a cake later in the new kitchen, today he just got pie.  That's okay because he really likes pie.  
Mike is 40
 Banana Cream Birthday Pie
Our house is coming along quite nicely.  The tile has been laid and the grout color has been chosen.  The grout will go in tomorrow.
Pool bathroom
 Downstairs bathroom
 Laundry room - they have to pick up a few more tiles!  Ha!
My dad came and picked up Preston and took him to watch BYU play Utah in baseball.  Preston got free tickets for the game by playing little league.  Eric was doing the commentary for the game.  Hopefully they got to say hi.  So nice of my dad to take him!  Mike, Maysen and I started a scuba diving class.  Mike has always wanted to get certified. I'm a little nervous.  I did finish reading my book before class.  Maysen and Mike finished yesterday.  The class was longer than I expected.  We were there from 6-10.  Half the time was in the classroom and the other half was in the pool.  The pool was quite warm.  I appreciated that.  We had to do a 12 lap swim.  We had our snorkels and fins on.  I couldn't breathe out of my snorkel.  Made the swim difficult.  Later my snorkel was working just fine.  I don't know what was wrong.  Weird.  We also had to tread water for ten minutes.  They taught us how to put the equipment together.  We also practiced what to do if we dropped our regulator.  Things like that.  I'm glad I'm taking the class with Mike and Maysen.  I feel much better with them then I would by myself.  Also, there is only four people in the class.  Love it!  It's pretty funny because so many of the classes were sold out, this was the only one we could get . . . and it's practically empty!  Perfect for us.

Mike made steak and grilled cheese when we got home.  The kids weren't in their beds, but we found them asleep in Mike's birthday present . . . the motorhome.  Happy birthday Mike!  I hope you enjoyed it!

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