Saturday, May 3, 2014

Olivia's Chocolate Factory

We had a ton of chores to do today, but the favorite was washing the motorhome.  Jorja and Preston took care of that.  Preston especially loved it and ended up staying in his swimming suit all day.
Jorja was invited to Olivia's (a.k.a. Larry) birthday party.  The party was at a chocolate factory.  They got to put random things through the chocolate machine.  Jorja would not let me take a picture of her wearing the hairnet!  She was a little nervous and did not want me to leave.  I tried to stay in the shadows and she could look at me whenever she needed to.  It worked out though, because I got to take a gift bag home!  One of each of their chocolate creations!  The pringles were really good.  I also loved the swedish fish, hot tamales, pretzels, minions . . . pretty much everything except the fig newtons.  Even chocolate couldn't make those things taste good.
Mike played a game of pirates with Maysen and Preston.  Preston is still learning, so it takes a bit of time.  Maysen was the victorious pirate today.  (They started yesterday)  We watched Max while my dad and Cathy went to their stake conference meeting.  They played outside for a long time.  The weather today was fantastic!  Jorja and Preston convinced Mike to sleep in the motorhome with them.  They love it in there.  Especially Preston.  And Mike.  I wonder who loves it more? 

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