Sunday, May 4, 2014


I got a new Young Womens' advisor today!  Yay!  I have been with only one advisor since January.  While this would be more than adequate if I still lived in Georgia, it has been a little hard here.  I have ten beehives. One more will come in this week.  I don't think I lose any for about a year.  I am really excited about my new advisor.  Her name is Kristen and she lives across the street.  The kids adore her because she was the librarian and would give them candy - also she studies dolphins.

We had family dinner at my dad's house today.  Yummy scones.  So good!  My dad was surprised at how fast we went through scones.  We also had tapioca and I won the pirate game between Mike, Maysen and Matt.  It was a great come from behind win.

Skye turned 8 today!  Yay Skye!  I wish I could be there for her baptism. Timing stinks.  At least I will be with Brett and Rachel in Hawaii, that will be fun.  We love you Skye.  Sorry you were sick on your birthday! It is also my niece Jessica's birthday.  She would have been 25 years old. My heart hurts to think about it.  I can't imagine how hard this has been on her family.

We decided to let the kids stay up extra late to watch Amazing Race. Jorja was SO disappointed that the cowboys are out.  Preston is too. We all love the cowboys, but Jorja is obsessed with them!  She drew a picture of them and has it hanging by her computer.  It looks super creepy.  Cord is her favorite.  We will miss the cowboys!  Hopefully Dave and Conner win it all!

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