Friday, June 6, 2014

Crazy Migraine

It is so hard to be home right now.  My washer and dryer are all wrapped up.  Everything is covered in plastic.  It is crazy.  Jorja went to Dallin's birthday party today.  It was at Airborne.  She went to Dallin's house after to play Pokemon.  We went to dinner at IHOP and then picked up Jorja on the way home.  When we were leaving IHOP, Mike mentioned how his eyesight was bothering him.  I told him I would drive home.  He started reading scriptures to the kids on the way home, but he was slurring all his words.  He couldn't pronounce anything.  I had him quit reading when he pronounced 'trump' as 'tramp'.  Little bit of a difference there.  "O that I were an angel, and could have the wish of mine heart, that I might go forth and speak with the trump of God...."

Mike's hand started going numb when we got home.  I was getting nervous that he was having an aneurysm.  I even asked him if he was having one.  He looked at me completely confused and said, "What are you talking about?  Aneurysm isn't even a word."  I tried to explain it, but he started having me doubt myself.  It was crazy bizarre.  We finally decided he was probably having a migraine.  I found some migraine medicine and gave it to him.  He covered his head and went straight to bed.  At 8:00.  Weird, weird, weird.

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