Saturday, June 7, 2014

Jorja's Party

Jorja wanted to invite her class over for a swim party.  She took care of everything.  That was nice because sometimes I feel like I'm barely functioning.  She had a simple party, but it was really fun.  About eleven kids showed up.  Her English teacher even showed up.  It was funny when Mrs. V walked in.  Some of the kids shouted, "Mrs. V's on our team!"  Others shouted, "Mr. Chen is on ours!"  It's funny how they think they are always together.  They won't be next year though.  Mr. Chen is going to be the Chinese teacher at Jorja's middle school.  Mrs. VanWagoner said she tried to get a job there too but they told her it wasn't a packaged deal.  Too bad.  Jorja's loved Mrs. V.

The kids swam the entire time and then had snow cones.  They made me laugh and laugh.  Ella and Leah were hilarious.  Mrs. V said it was interesting to watch to kids.  Leah especially is really quiet at school. She wasn't here!  Will is the most talkative at school, but he was kind of quiet.  Anyway, I took a lot of pictures.  I'm glad Jorja has such good friends.  I'm really wish they weren't splitting apart these kids!
 Bunch of kids with Mrs. V in the middle
 Audrey (not in Jorja's class, but practically a part of our family)
 Mrs. V & Ian
 Preston (not in Jorja's class either)
 Happy Porge
These girls played on the diving board.  It was so funny.  They pretended they were super models, Juliet speaking to Romeo, ballerinas.  I was laughing so hard!
Olivia, Leah, Ella
 Dallin - Haha!!!
 Alex in a parade
 Ella as Juliet
 Olivia & Leah being squirted by Preston
 Leah, Olivia, Ella as ballerinas
Leah was being a crazy one!
 Dallin - there are two Dallins.  This is the one Jorja is always with.
 She had a fabulous time!
Jorja also went to Seth's party today.  She wanted to go, but was really worried about it.  She didn't know if any of her friends would be there. I gave her my phone so she could text me when she was ready for me to pick her up.  She stayed for a couple of hours and had a great time. Mike and I went to Deseret Book to pick up Jorja's quad.  She has begged and begged for one.  We finally got around to getting her one. We were a little disappointed with the engraving of her name.  Part of the gold doesn't show up.  Once we got her quad we headed to Karen Trost's daughter's wedding.  It was at their house and beautiful.  The weather was perfect.  They had something similar to Waffle Love cater it.  Yummy!

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