Sunday, June 8, 2014

Sydney Australia

It was the Back's missionary farewell today.  Crazy that they found out that he was going to be a mission president in May.  Wow.  I can't even imagine dropping everything and leaving in six weeks. He is going to be the most amazing mission president.  Those missionaries are so lucky! President Back's wife is quite amazing as well.

It was really interesting listening to President Back.  He said that this was probably the only time in his life that he would have been able to go financially.  He owns a Title company.  A few years ago a girl in St. George admitted to embezzling $750,000.  He immediately went to St. George to try and sort things out.  He says he remembers walking down the street thinking, "So this is what it is like to be financially ruined." They didn't think they would be able to keep their doors open.  Their employees got together and raised over $100,000.  I can't exactly remember how much, but it was a lot.  It was enough to pay back the people whose money had gotten stolen.  They gave this to him as a loan.  They called it the "George Bailey Fund".  You can tell what an amazing leader he is by the way his employees treated him.  He told more stories that were just crazy.  The trials he went through.  Not many people even knew a thing about it.  He continued to serve 100%. We are sure going to miss him these next three years.  Australia has no idea how blessed they are!

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