Tuesday, June 17, 2014


I have been looking forward to this day for quite awhile.  This is the day our cabinets were supposed to be installed.  Today they called and told our builder that they were running a week behind.  That did not make Rob very happy.  Then they called Mike later and said they were running 10 days to 2 weeks behind.  Mike said he thought it was one week.  The cabinet guy said he was just guessing, but now he has checked.  So frustrating!  Especially since we found the cabinet people. Through this entire process we have went with whoever Rob suggested. The cabinet people were the only ones Rob did not suggest. He did not have anything against them, he just had never worked with them before.  I definitely don't think he will be anxious to work with them again.  Hopefully when this is finished we will be able to say, "The cabinet people were annoying to work with, but they did good work."  I just hope everything is finished by the time Brett & Rachel get here. Rachel, if you are reading this, please stay with us!  We have figured out what to do if chaos still reigns here.

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