Monday, June 16, 2014

It's Not Working!

Maysen has a writer's camp this week.  I hope she likes it.  It is held at a school near our house, but people are coming from all over to attend. It is an adult writing class.  The youngest you can be is sixteen.  She seemed to like it today.  Mike picked her up and then took Maysen and Stockton to his family reunion.  We just found out about it a few days ago.  I guess we are not on the information list, or they have Mike's old e-mail.  That one hasn't worked since we moved to Utah.  Anyway, I'm glad we found out about it so Mike could go.  I had signed up to time at the swim meet, so I was out.  Jorja and Preston were swimming, so they were out.  It was so cold today!  I brought a blanket and seven towels.  Still so cold.  When Mike picked up Stockton he brought more blankets for the kids.  They were so happy!  Jorja was in charge of getting herself to her events, and also getting Preston there.  Preston was in a different lane during his freestyle.  I saw him as he was getting out.  I said, "Preston, where are your goggles?"  He laughed and said, "Oh, I forgot."  Jorja did an IM today.  She was swimming with the faster kids, she finished just under two minutes but about a quarter of a lap after everyone.  Turns out that she was the only one who wasn't disqualified.  That made her beam when she found out.  Swimming has a lot of rules.  For example, you have to touch with two hands after the butterfly and breast stroke.  Turning has to be done certain ways, legs have to kick certain ways.  Kind of hard for all the kids to remember. Great job Jorja!

There was a diving meet before the swim meet.  Stockton did great and took first place in his division.  He also took last place in his division. Yep, he was the only one.  There was a boy in the older group.  He gets one more dive, even so Stockton was only four points behind him. Wow.

Preston was the funniest.  I wish, wish, wish I had recorded him!  He was supposed to do a falling dive.  He was so cold when it was time.  He got right to the end, bent over and then stayed there shivering.  His coach yelled, "Just lean forward!"  He yelled back, "I'm trying!"  Wait, wait, wait.  Preston turns his head and yells, "It's not working!"  Oh my gosh it was so funny!  I was at the scorer table with my friends.  We were laughing so hard.  He was absolutely adorable.  He kept saying things like that over and over.  It was so cute because he was explaining exactly what he was thinking.  I love that boy!  Finally Mike (his coach) hopped up on the diving board and flipped his legs out for him. Preston is awesome.

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