Sunday, June 15, 2014

Argentina & Philippines

Taylor had his mission farewell today.  When he walked up to the microphone he was shaking his entire body and papers in his hands.  It was so funny, he is such a goofball.  He did a really great job. I'm excited for him.  While we were hanging out at his house afterwards I over heard Tage say, "Taylor is a lot more excited about going to Argentina than Connor is to go to the Philippines."  I sat there for a second wondering what she meant.  Sherry has been teasing Connor that he will go to the Philippines on his mission and die.  I asked Connor.  Yep.  He has his mission call to the Philippines.  It took awhile for him to convince me that he was telling the truth.  He is leaving on September 17th. His parents 20th anniversary.  His family has been putting sticky notes on all his stuff to claim it after he dies.  Oh boy.  I had no idea Connor had even put his papers in.  Sherry said she tried to let people know to watch him open his call, but she could only hold him off for thirty minutes once he had the call.  That will be interesting.  I hope he loves it!

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