Saturday, June 14, 2014

Salt Lake Temple and Painted Walls

We left Lagoon early this morning.  The kids were still sleeping.  We had them sleep in spots that we wouldn't have to move them from.  I guess they are allowed to sleep while we are driving except above the driver.  Once we arrived home, Mike and I had about two seconds to get what we needed (and look at our new painted walls) before we were off again.  We headed to the Salt Lake Temple.  My nephew Taylor was getting his endowments.  Mike and I had hurried so fast to get there that we ended up being super early.  Better than being super late!  I was so tired, especially after two late nights in a row.  I really am not a night person!  The temple was wonderful.  I'm so glad we were invited and that we were able to come.

Mike and I picked up a pizza on the way home for the kids.  We ran and dropped it off real quick.  The painters were there working away.  We headed down to the Egg & I for lunch with the Hodsons. 

Our house looks so different painted.  I'm so glad that part of the remodel is done!  That was really hard to work around.  Everything looks great though, so that's good.  I can't wait for the cabinets to go in!
Upstairs bathroom
 Laundry room ~ Yay! Yay! Yay!  I can do wash again!
At the last second I switched the paint colors in the pool and laundry room.  I really think I would have liked this bright blue in the laundry room.  It does work really well for the pool bathroom and it is probably better to have the softer blue in the laundry room.  Mike likes it better anyway.  I love both blues, so this way we are both happy.  I also had the green one shade darker than I was originally planning and changed the bathroom colors into grey.  The painter talked me into changing things up.  I really like how everything turned out, but I am most worried about the green.  I bet it will be great once the cabinets are installed.
 Pool bathroom
 Downstairs bathroom

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