Friday, June 13, 2014

Lagoon in June

I made breakfast with Lisa today.  Really I just cut the fruit while she did everything else.  She made this yummy breakfast casserole and cinnamon rolls.  We had a devotional in the morning that Maysen was asked to do.  She did such a good job.  Everyone was a little sleepy when Maysen was introduced.  She yelled, "Ashley, Paige, get up here and do 10 pushups now!"  She did a drill sergeant routine for a bit before she let them go back.  It was super funny.  She talked about how it made them feel.  She was asked to talk about Individual Worth. Anyway, it turned out really good and was such a good way to start off the day.  Maysen, Jorja and I left right after the devotional in order to go to 'Lagoon in June'.  I love 'Lagoon in June'.  It is a family reunion we have every year with my mom's family.  I think we've done this for at least 30 years, but I'm not sure.  My grandma made it down this year and I was so happy!
Maysen & Grandma
Love this picture.  My grandma's the BEST!
My Grandpa's pretty cool too.  The below two pictures are little blurbs about what he did to get awarded the bronze star.  He told me to read the bit about Pat Kennedy above.  That is the guy my grandpa saved.  It says, "he was wounded in the head and suffered immediate blindness.......he gave instructions on how to treat each man as the type of wound was described to him."  In my grandpa's paragraph it said, "Although the concentration of fire never slackened, Sergeant Parry cooly bandaged the wounded men...."  Wow.  I knew Grandpa had saved the medic, but I didn't know he was given instructions on how to help the wounded men during the attack.  Crazy!  My Grandpa said, "I just mostly tried to wrap people's heads that had been mostly blown off."  So sad.  I can not imagine what my Grandpa had to live through. Those poor brave boys.
I think this was my favorite Lagoon ever.  The weather was perfect. The lines weren't long.  Brooke came!  It's been about five years since that happened.  Heather came.  She lives closer, but just had surgery. She still has her drainage tubes in for crying out loud.  It was so great to see her!  I can't believe how well her body has handled the surgery.  I remember being in a lot more pain than her.
Stephanie & Heather ~ Look at how I tower over her!
I didn't get many pictures.  Too bad.  We got a big group to ride the go-karts.  Everyone got in except me.  What?  I asked them if I could just ride with someone instead.  I ran down the line and thought, "Who would be the most fun to ride with?"  I planned on looking at my options, but the first person I came to was Jackson.  I knew a ride with him would be awesome.  I was right.  It was so much fun!  I loved it more than if I was driving myself.  He is crazy!

Mike, Stockton and Preston went on Rattlesnake Rapids right as we got there.  I didn't have a desire to get wet at the moment.  They went four times in a row.  They were soaked when they got back!  That was the last of the rides for Stockton.  He was done.  In his defense, this is his third time at Lagoon in two weeks.  He spent the rest of the day writing, "Innie belly buttons rule!" all over the tables.  Over 100 times.  I meant to take a picture, but I did not.  He went to the motorhome in the afternoon.  It worked out really well.
Stockton ~ I can't believe how grown up he looks
Yesterday Mike sent me some pictures.  He took Preston to Lagoon. Nice thing about season passes.  Preston rode this ride that Maysen loves by himself.  It is the Centennial Screamer.  It goes in circles and upside down.  He is getting so brave.
Preston - by himself!  No way Mike would ride that thing.
 Preston on the white roller coaster
Mike took some quick pictures of the paint last night.  I do not know what I think.  Mike says it looks better in person.  I really hope so!
Now back to Lagoon.  It was really fun.  I was sad to see Brooke go.  I wish I got a picture with her.  Mike and I rode the Spider with Maysen and Preston.  Mike and I got the back.  Boy did that make me feel sick! I felt so sorry for Miranda who sat in the back her first time.  Brooke and I realized it when it was too late to change.  She would have liked it so much better if she was in the front!  After the ride, Mike and Preston went to Wicked and Maysen and I rode the Spider three more times. One time we sat in the back and no one sat in the front.  Holy camolie that was crazy!  We spun around faster than I have ever been spun before.  It was fun and making me sick at the same time.  I was so dizzy when we finished.

After we got the kids tucked in bed, Mike and I went in search of Steve and Sharon.  We knew they were camping too.  We found Steve. Sharon was already asleep.  We went on a short walk and called it a day.  So much fun!

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