Thursday, June 12, 2014

Girls' Camp

I was able to have a break from this lovely mess.  I mean, who wouldn't want to have a toilet in their front room?
We did get the underhang of the roof fixed.  I have no idea what that is called and no desire to find out.  It looks great though.  Blends in with the rest of the house.
I dropped off Stockton and Preston really early at Steve and Shannon's house.  I was really thankful that they were willing to let them hang out there today.  I did not want to leave them with random workers in the house.  Mike could have worked from home, but I thought that would be really hard.  They had a great time with them.  Weston played with Preston a ton.  His chance to be a big brother.  Mike got the motorhome after work and then picked them up.  They went and stayed at Lagoon. We will meet up with them tomorrow.

Maysen, Jorja and I went early to girls' camp.  The plan was to follow Becky up and get there at least an hour early to set up.  Hopefully more. I asked Becky if Jorja could go to girls' camp this year.  We were only going to be able to go for one day.  Jorja turns 12 in October.  Becky and I will have been in the Young Womens presidency for three years in September.  I hope we get to stay for a lot longer, but you never know.  I would be so sad if I never got to go to a girls' camp with Jorja. Becky was more than happy to have Jorja come along.  Yay!  Jorja LOVED it!  She told me multiple times how happy she was that she was able to come and how much fun she was having.

Girls' camp was pretty awesome.  I feel like every time I write the word 'camp' I should use quotation marks.  The girls were pampered!  We stayed at Becky's cabin.  It's more like a lodge.  Bryce's parents built it. There are six kids.  The parents and all six kids each have their own room with their own bathroom.  The kitchen is a gourmet kitchen with major fancy appliances.  Everything is just amazing.  The cabin is right at the base of Brighton ski resort.  The only problem was, when we arrived the parking lot was being repaved.  Yikes!  Becky had to drive around and around in order to find a way to the cabin.  I had a lot of balloons, so we ended up tying a balloon every time there was a turn in the road.  We only arrived at the cabin about five minutes before everyone else.  So much for setting things up!  It was fine though. Maysen, Jorja and several others helped me tie the balloons to the baskets.  They turned out really cute.  The girls camp shirts were placed in here.  The leaders put different things in there every night.  The girls also left cute notes to each other.  I thought I bought enough paper for that, but we ran out the first day!  I love how much our girls get along with each other.
 Maysen & Jorja
 Lauren, Sarah, Whitney, Rachael, Hadley-Kate,
Ebony, Chloe, Emily, Olivia, Melissa, Olivia, Jorja,
Kelsee, Nicole, Ashley, Zoe, Maysen, Riley, Paige
 Becky, Stephanie, Jeanette, Jacqui,
Lisa, Camee, Jenny, Darlene, Kristen
We went on a beautiful hike up to Twin Lakes.  I think that is what it was called.  It wasn't a super easy hike, but I loved it.  We went down a different path.  It was pretty steep.  I'm sure it will be the only time I will ever go down a black diamond!
Sister bonding
 Jorja & Maysen
 Jorja, Stephanie, Maysen
 If you look really close you can see the cabin we stayed at.
It is at the other end of the lake.  I think it is called Silver Lake.
 Maysen & Jorja
 Maysen, Stephanie, Jorja
There was a rock you could stand on that would make such a beautiful picture.  Camee jumped up there and was pretending to do yoga poses. It was so funny.
I called Riley to come over and asked her to show Camee how it's done. This is Riley, on a rock with no warming up.  On stable ground she is able to get that leg behind her neck.  Incredible.  I love this picture.  So beautiful!
We spent the next little while taking random pictures.  My phone ran out of batteries, but Jacqui had a nice camera.  Riley, Nicole and Chloe were amazing.  You could definitely tell who the dancers are.  A couple came while we were taking pictures.  They waited patiently for us while we were being ridiculous.  They asked if we would take our pictures.  I was with Jacqui as she took it on their iPhone.  I whispered to her turn it around and take a selfie.  We took a few cute pictures of them then Jacqui hit the turn around button and we left a picture of us.  I had no idea I would think it was that funny, but Jacqui and I thought we were pretty hilarious.
Where Jorja & Maysen slept
 Maysen & Jorja
Jorja made a really cute star and then she took on in a canoe with Maysen.  After dinner I couldn't find them.  I discovered them in my bedroom playing Pokemon.  Those two have been so cute together!  I have loved it.
Maysen & Jorja
I was in charge of lunch today and breakfast tomorrow.  I was pretty stressed about it.  A few weeks ago Lisa said, "Just let me take care of all the food."  Holy moly was I relieved!  Her lunch was delicious.  We had a talent show tonight.  All the leaders had to sing, "What Does the Fox Say?"  I had never heard that song before in my life.  I knew it existed, just never felt inclined to hear it.  I printed out the words yesterday and listened to the song the entire way up.  The other leaders kept laughing at me studying them, but I just couldn't get them straight in my head.  Anyway, Camee brought fox ears she had made and we taped them to our chin.  They drew a fox nose and whiskers on us.  We lip-synced the song while we were laying on our back.  Most of the leaders were on the hot tub.  Three of us were on chairs.  At the last minute Darlene arrived.  We hurried to get her ready.  (She had to take Whitney home who got really, really sick.  It seemed like she had an extremely bad migraine.  It was so sad.)  Once we walked out we realized we were one chair short.  I ended up giving my chair to Becky and I held myself bent over backwards with one arm resting on Camee's chair and one arm resting on Becky's.  Holy cow that is a LONG song!  I was really hurting through the third verse.  When it was finally over, I stood up and my legs collapsed for just a bit.  My glutes were on fire!

The girls were asked to do skits.  They drew a paper that had a song on it.  Then they drew a paper that had a place.  They were given a bunch of props and asked to make a skit out of it.  Maysen and Jorja had "Let It Go" and broadway.  I loved their skit!  My camera ran out of room during it, but Jacqui said she would send me a copy.  Anyway, Maysen was on broadway singing, "Let It Go".  Melissa was the director and said they needed to have a new twist on the song.  They spent the rest of the skit trying different things.  Horror = "Let Blood Flow"  Super Villain = "Rule the World"  Super Hero = "Save the Girl" and a teen movie with the song in a teenage voice with teenage slang.  Loved it!

The girls then decorated three leaders with toilet paper dresses.  I always hated activities like that, but the girls seemed to have a great time.  The leaders were really good sports.  My girls dressed up Kristen. Kristen was just called to be one of my Beehive advisors.  My beehives think she is the coolest person they have ever met.  I love watching how much they adore her.  I am really lucky with both of my advisors.  Lisa and Kristen are wonderful!
 Kristen, Darlene, Jacqui
 Ashley, Jacqui, Chloe, Kelsee, Sarah, Ebony & Nicole in front
We finished off the night with s'mores and then I went to bed!  Kristen and I shared a room.  We talked late into the night.  I'm so glad she is in Young Womens with me now.  She also lives across the street.  It is so fun to get to know her better.  I'd say we had a pretty successful first day of girls' camp.  I am going to my family reunion tomorrow.  I'm sorry to miss out on the last day, but I am really excited to be with my family.

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