Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Swimming with Taylor

My amazing, awesome, super fun and funny nephew leaves on his mission next week.  We had his family over for one more night of swimming before he goes.  Steve and Shannon couldn't make it.  Sherry was going to come, but they ran into several problems.  (Matt and Connor getting sick at scout camp, Sherry going to the wrong mall to pick up Tage, that sort of thing.)  Anyway, it was just us and Lisa's family, minus Michael and Aimee.  We had a blast!  Our house is still covered in plastic.  We only have one working toilet.  In our room.  Too bad that we have so much stuff crammed in there it is hard to even get to the bathroom.  Luckily we had the motorhome, so that is our main bathroom right now.  Crazy!
 Lisa, Nova, Melissa
 Jorja with a new toy
 The new toy is about to be ambushed!
Stockton, Taylor, Preston, Jorja, Maysen
 Taylor, Stockton, Jorja, Maysen
 Jorja & Preston
 Melissa & Nova
 Mike & Lisa
 Maysen snorkeling
 Preston, Taylor & Stockton
Jorja had so much fun playing with Taylor.  He is so good with kids!  She loved getting flipped by him, making towers with Maysen, and all other sorts of nonsense.
Jorja & Taylor
 Taylor, Jorja & Maysen
 Jorja, Maysen, Taylor
 Jorja & Taylor
 Nathan & Nova
 Nova & Maysen
 Taylor & Jorja
 Jorja & Mike
Taylor was worried Jorja wouldn't get out of the pool in time, so he jumped back in to help her.  Haha!  I'm pretty sure her dad wouldn't have let her get smashed, but you never know.
Jorja & Taylor
 They did cut it pretty close
 The Porge
 Jorja & Taylor ~ we sure are going to miss him!
The weather was perfect today.  So much fun!  Lisa and Nathan had to hurry home to get to a conference call about their upcoming trip.  I had to rush to Zurchers to pick up 50 balloons I ordered for girls' camp. They were very clear that I needed to be there at 8:30.  When I got there they were just starting to blow up the balloons.  Good thing I rushed away from the party!  Oh well, at least I have the balloons.  That would not have been good to forget them!

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