Tuesday, June 10, 2014


I spent most of the day over at Shannon's house doing laundry.  Lots and lots of laundry.  Swim season gets me more laundry than usual.  I meant to do just one load until I realized that I needed to be ready for girls camp, then our family reunion.  I HATE not having a washer and dryer.  They are all wrapped up in plastic.  Our entire house is wrapped up in plastic.  This has been the hardest part of the remodel so far.  I feel like I'm drowning in chaos.

While I was doing laundry I spent my time working on baskets for girls camp.  They are turning out so cute!  Our theme is Come 'Up' Unto Christ.  I am going to make the baskets look like mini hot air balloons. Shannon's idea.  It is coming along quite nicely.

While I was busy doing mundane things, my littlest brother and his wife were busy doing awesome things.  My nephew Brandon Ronald was born.  Yay!  Although if he was born one day later it would have been on Ella's birthday.  That would have made me laugh and Stockton mad.  We are very excited to get a new boy in the family.  They are catching up on the girls.  The score is now 12-7.

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