Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Last Day of Elementary and Middle

Today was Jorja's last day of elementary school.  She has loved it here. I am so thankful that she was lucky enough to get into the Chinese program.  I have had several people ask me how we got her in.  I have no idea how it happened, but I am so grateful that it did.  I am so proud of Jorja.  Starting Chinese one year and a half after everyone else was super hard.  I have never done anything so hard in my entire life.  She did it.  No tutors, just Jorja.  By fourth grade her teachers had no idea that she did not start with the other kids.  She is right on target as far as her Chinese goes.  She is an Intermediate Low in her listening ability, a novice high in her speaking ability, reading ability and writing ability.  I am constantly amazed by her and wish that my older children would have had this amazing opportunity.

I did not get a good picture of Jorja's walk through the school.  This is blurry, but oh well.  You can see Jill Glazier in the blue across the hall taking pictures.  My brother Mike dated her in high school.  She actually waited for him while he was on his mission.  I really like her a lot.  It is fun to see her around.  Mike ended up marrying Christen who I adore.  They now have 4 beautiful children!  I can't wait to see brand new baby Parker soon!!!
Blurry Jorja
 Jorja with random 5th graders
I LOVED this!  This is not Jorja's class.  These kids did a skit and at the end they held up signs of what they wanted to be when they were older. Presley is in this class.  She had the biggest smile on her face every time she was on stage.  Her older sister was one of my beehives. Anyway, Presley is the one who is holding up 'dancer'.  The 'dancer' sign is upside down.  Totally Presley.  Adorable and crazy.
A few days ago Jorja came home from school thrilled.  Mr. Chen is going to be her middle school Chinese teacher!  We love him!  I'm so excited for her.  This will make going to middle school be not as scary. Especially since most of her close friends won't be there with her.  This has made such a big difference.  We are thankful that Mr. Chen is going to Jorja's middle school and not the other one!  He will teacher her Chinese, World History (in Chinese) and humanities (in Chinese).
 Jazzie, Mr. Chen, Jorja
 Ava & Jorja
 Olivia, Ava & Jorja
 Jorja & Ella ~ Ella will go to Jorja's school next year!
 Mrs. V and Jorja ~ We have LOVED her!  I wish Stockton had her.
 Jorja's sign in the program
 Dallin & Jorja
 Jorja & Ashley ~ Ashley will also go to Jorja's school
We picked up Preston from his class after the graduation ceremony.  I tried to get a picture, but first graders are weird.
Will, Abel, Ty & Preston
I tried to take video of Jorja's ceremony.  They had different skits and songs.  They sang 'Let It Go' half in English and half in Chinese.  I ended up only taking pictures instead of videos.  Whoops.  Mike did manage to get a video.  This one is just at the end, but I thought it was cute.  At least it gives you a basic idea.
Stockton is thrilled to be done with middle school.  He went today.  It was a half day.  There were not many people there.  He had his last experience with Mrs. Falk.  She told him that his letter to future 8th graders was horrible and there was no way any of them would see it. Apparently she didn't like it that Stockton wrote they would need to "be perfect angels so their teachers don't hate them for no reason."  When he was in science a girl came up to Stockton and told him that Mrs. Falk told her that Stockton was a 'punk with an attitude'.  I am so glad they are done with each other.  Stockton pulled an A in the class. He got a 94.01%.  You need a 94.0% to get an A.  Stockton did extra credit to get the A.  I bet Mrs. Falk hated giving him that grade.  A few days ago, in art class they had to fill out these papers.  One of the questions was, "Who is your favorite teacher?"  Everyone at Stockton's table put Mrs. Falk.  Stockton put, "Not Mrs. Falk".  Haha.  He makes me laugh.  I know I shouldn't talk poorly about teachers, but I also know what it is like to be singled out and have negative attention directed my way.  I decided to let Stockton deal with it.  I did respond to Mrs. Falk's e-mails, but I didn't go to her with some of my concerns.  I told Stockton that he needed to learn how to get along with people that didn't like him.  One day he will have a boss that will hate him, or other teachers that do.  It happens to everyone.  Might as well learn how to deal with it now.  That being the case, I wanted Stockton to know that I am in his corner watching him fight this battle.  I will always be cheering for him and am thrilled when he succeeds.

After school we met my dad at Zupas.  Maysen, Stockton and Jorja came with me.  Preston wanted to stay home.  Mike was home with him.  Our pool cover is being replaced today and Mike needed to be there.  After Zupas we went to Leatherby's.  I let the kids pick anything they wanted.  Yummy!
Now these kids are all mine!  I love summer vacation.  I love having the kids home with me.  It will be even better when the house is finished and we are no longer wading through chaos!

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