Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Chocolate Baskets

Stockton had 8th grade Lagoon day today.  He was more than happy to go to Lagoon instead of school.  He seemed to have a great time.  He was able to find people to go on rides with after he got there.  From the sound of it, they went on Rattlesnake Rapids a lot!

I love watching diving.  I love the view from our neighborhood pool. Preston practiced back jump.  He also tried a back dive, but that didn't go so well.  He was too afraid to lean back.  It was fun to watch him try.
 Katrina & Preston (Katrina is Mike's wife...Mike is the dive coach.)
 Preston's back dive attempt
 Katrina & Burke
 Preston finally learned the joy of laying on hot concrete
Jorja and Preston have been helping me get thank-you baskets for their teachers ready.  We went a little overboard this year.  I hadn't gotten around to give a Christmas gift, so we decided to have fun with this one.  Both Jorja and Preston had great teachers this year.  We are sure going to miss them!  We went to Pirate O's and the Chocolate Cottage. Pretty fun!
Jorja with baskets for Mr. Chen & Mrs. VanWagoner
 Preston with baskets for Mrs. Petersen & Mrs. Bringhurst

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