Monday, June 2, 2014

Last Game

I thought I had missed Preston's last baseball game.  Turns out there was still a tournament left to play.  We were told there was no time limit and there would be 6 innings.  That seemed like a very bad idea. We ended up playing only four innings.  It was long enough!  I got to keep score.  That was fun.  A while back Burke was looking for someone to keep score because the guy who usually did it wasn't there.  He asked three different men around me and then finally gave up and tossed the score book on the ground.  I went and asked him if I could keep score. He said, "You know how to do it?"  I replied, "I did grow up with five brothers.  I practically lived at the ball field."  I was glad he asked me to do it today.  I had always wanted to do the score for my own kids. Anyway, Preston's team lost.  I am glad he played this season, but also I am ready for it to be over.  We have been so busy!  Thanks for playing Preston.  Hopefully I can convince you to do it again!

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