Friday, June 27, 2014

Lost Mother's Day Pictures

I randomly found pictures I took on Mother's Day.  I think now is as good a time as any to post them.
The cabinet guys said they would be here at 7 in the morning.  Right on time one cabinet guy showed up.  Yesterday I actually thought he was the head cabinet guy.  It was him and a deaf guy.  Both were really nice. I guess the deaf guy didn't get along with the other guy.  Yesterday was the first time they worked together.  The guy I thought was in charge came to pick up his tools because he got fired.  Okay, that was weird.  I felt so bad for him.  His wife is having a baby in two weeks.  He said the deaf guy told the boss that he didn't like him and that the other guy wouldn't communicate with him.  Although I saw them talking a lot.  I personally think the first guy is a tease and the deaf guy didn't understand people like him.  I really should learn people's names.  I just have completely lost my memory.  Anyway, we had three cabinet guys work in our house today.  It is looking great!  They will be back Monday.  As they were leaving one of the guys said, "Say good-bye to him. (The deaf guy)  He is moving to North Dakota."  Okay, that is weird.  He got a guy fired because he didn't want to work with him one day?  I couldn't really tell how long he was staying in North Dakota, if it was just for a few months or permanent.  I was kind of shocked about how everything had played out.
It's starting to look like a kitchen again!

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