Saturday, June 28, 2014

Lots of Swimming

My dad and Max came to swim today.  Preston and Stockton played in the pool with them.  Jorja's friend Jazzie came over to swim too.  Olivia was going to come, but did not.  Later her mom texted me an apology and said, "We are moving today.  I thought we could do it, but we couldn't."  Wow!  I hate moving.  No way would I add one more thing to my to-do list.  Olivia is only moving two doors down.  Jorja was hoping she was moving closer to us and decided to go to Jorja's middle school. I think she's out of luck there.  Ange also brought her kids over to swim. She was planning on coming earlier, when my dad was here, but Millie was asleep.  I got in the pool and helped her watch Abbs and Millie. (Lincoln and Ella were in there too, but they don't require as much supervision.)

What was Mike doing while all this swimming was going on?  He was working on our fireplace.  It is looking really good.  He is a little worried about the giant rock in the middle.  Hopefully it doesn't fall down when he removes the support beams.
The drywall guy also came today.  He patched up a hole that was covered by the microwave.  Actually I think the plumbers made the hole when they put the gas line in.  The drywall guy had to take down a cabinet.  Hopefully the painters can get the paint around that thing.

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