Friday, June 20, 2014

Wet Walls

Maysen has been at writing camp all week long.  She has loved it.  I usually pick her up for lunch.  Today the kids and I went to the Bear diner.  I have no idea what it is actually called, but Bear is in the name and there are bears everywhere.  They each ordered a kids meal, which after 11 comes with free ice cream.  Nice!  Right before I dropped Maysen off she told me that her wallpaper was peeling.  What?  She doesn't have wallpaper.  I forgot about it when I got home.  Of course I only remembered after Rob left.  Mike and I went to check it out and this is what we found.  NOOOOOOO!!!!!  I am so sad!  Not this room!

We had a giant rainstorm on Tuesday and found a leak in our sprinklers.  The sprinkler box is right above this wall.  Not a good combination.  Mike went to turn the sprinklers off and then that broke. Holy cow!  What is happening?  He had to turn off the water to the entire house for awhile.  Of course the plumbers came today.  They hooked up the gas line to the new pool heater and set the toilets in the upstairs and pool bathroom.  I told the kids the plumber was here for the pool heater.  No response.  When I said they were also going to get the upstairs toilet working, they all cheered.  It worked for a few hours before we had to turn the water off.  Luckily Brother Covington came over and helped us.  The sprinkler turn off thing ended up being an easy fix, but we will eventually need to replace the valve.  We have water again.  Yay!

Yesterday my dad spent all day here.  Bubs needed us to watch his kids. I am still living in crazy town, so my dad came up.  He ended up doing all the watching.  I was busy driving people to and from where they needed to be.  Thank goodness for his help!  Today, we repaid the favor by watching Max so my dad could go to dinner club.  All day long Preston kept asking when Max was coming.  Max is really easy to watch and they had a great time.  Mike worked from home today so he could be here with the plumbers.  That was nice.

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