Saturday, June 21, 2014


I spent forever today picking out sinks.  Who knew there would be so many decisions.  I hope Mike likes what I picked.  He had to stay home and work on the sprinklers.  He also got the cabinets we rescued from his house in.  They have been in our garage for a year and they fit perfectly!  I'm so excited.  Mike kept telling me it would work, but until it is done you never know.  It is hard to get a picture of this hallway, but it is where my laundry use to be.  The two pantries and wood block cabinet from Mike's old house fit exactly.  We love it!
Mike was pretty depressed at the end of the day.  The sprinklers are not cooperating.  Hopefully that will get worked out.  The kids and I watched What About Bob today.  Good times.

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