Sunday, June 22, 2014


I taught my dad's Succession lesson today.  He has this great power point on how the prophets get to where they are.  It is pictures of the first presidency and the 12 apostles.  When one of them dies, my dad sends them to the spirit world.  Then he moves the others over and see who takes their place.  This has always been such a good lesson.  It is really interesting.  I think everyone in the church needs to see it (or something like it) once.

We had our first lemonade social of the season.  It was at Bryce & Becky's house.  Becky sent out invitations and they had a really good turnout.  I finally got to meet Yolanda.  They built a beautiful house at the end of our street.  We have stopped by a couple of times.  I have met her mom and her kids.  Yolanda was great!  I told her how much I liked her mom.  She told me her mom was in a Japanese concentration camp for three years.  What?  They were living in Budapest (I think) during the war.  They owned a hotel.  It got taken over and she got sent to a concentration camp.  Her dad made counterfeit food passes during the war - I think I got that right.  Anyway, she was really interesting to talk to.  So glad to finally meet her!

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