Monday, June 23, 2014

Preston's Favorite Toy ~ Spencer

This morning they had the kids practicing their breast stroke kicks on the chairs.  So cute!
I took Maysen to the doctor today.  We haven't had to do a sick visit in years!  Her ear has been hurting her and her eye has been red.  Turns out she has swimmer's ear.  No swimming for her for awhile.  Too bad because today Mike's brother and sister and their families came over for a quick swim party.  It was so much fun!  These guys couldn't come over last week when Taylor was here.  Spencer leaves in a few days to go back to Harvard.  I'm glad we were able to have him over for a bit before he left.  Preston is especially glad.  He spent most of the night having Spencer throw him around.  Matt (Hardy) came also.  He threw Preston around as well.  I don't have any pictures of him though because I was in the water while it was going on.  Lots of fun today! Most of my pictures ended up being of Spencer and Preston.  I took more pictures, but they were blurry.  I'm not a great photographer.
Preston & Spencer
 Mike & Steve
 Weston & Spencer
 Preston & Spencer
 Preston's in heaven!
 Thanks Spencer for being so good to Preston
 Jorja & Preston ~ Non-blurry picture
Blake came over to our house for several hours.  I told him he could play here until Preston's cousins came.  Turns out it was just too much fun here.  Blake didn't leave.  That's okay.  He's cute and fun and no problem at all.  This was actually the first time he has swam in our pool.  Preston became friends with him last year but our pool was out of commission for a LONG time!  I think Blake just jumped in in his clothes.  He cracks me up!
 Bellyflop Porge!
 Spencer & Preston ~ I'm not so sure about this!
 Preston worn out from a hard day of being thrown around
Shannon brought s'mores.  We had fun until around 10:00 at night.  I love living in Utah!  I love being with family.  I'm so grateful we were able to find this house that is such a great gathering place. So blessed.

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