Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Just a Stone Mason

I was supposed to pick out lights today.  So many decisions!  I never got around to making a decision, but I did find out that our cabinets will be installed on Thursday!  Yay!  Yay!  Yay!

We took the YW and YM to the church history museum today.  It was crazy to see some of the things that where brought across the plains. The beautiful piano was my favorite.  We watched a video at the end called, "Just a Stone Mason".  It was about a man that was asked to work on the temple.  He lived by Alpine, Utah.  He would walk 8 hours to Salt Lake.  Work on the temple all week and come home on Saturday.  He did that for over 20 years.  Incredible!  He got kicked by one of his animals and needed to have his leg amputated.  After he healed he continued with this same pattern until he died.  He died four years before the Salt Lake Temple was finished.  That is some amazing faith and service.

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