Wednesday, June 25, 2014

What Preston Thinks About While Swimming

Preston has learned how to do a back dive!  He is adorable.  He even did one in his dive competition today.  This is practice when he first learned.
I didn't get to see his dive competition.  I was frustrated that I missed it.  This is the first dive competition that I have ever missed.  We are down to one car right now.  Mike's is in the shop.  I told Mike that one car was no big deal.  I didn't mind taking him to work.  That is usually the case, but this afternoon I needed to be in two places at one time. Maysen had an appointment with Holly.  Right before we left Holly texted me that she was running a few minutes behind and moved the appointment ten minutes later.  I still thought I could do it all.  I gathered all the kids up for the swim competition.  It was at the Jewish Community Center which is right next to the University of Utah hospital.  Anyway, we dropped Maysen off and went to Salt Lake.  My GPS let me down.  It had me drive through the hospital.  I was so confused.  My friend Camee had followed me.  She ended up flagging someone down and they told us how to get there.  I hurried to get the kids in and drop the boys off for their warm up.  As soon as I arrived I got a text from Maysen letting me know she was done.  I was hoping only to miss the warm up.  I called Mike, but he couldn't get her.  If Mike had his jeep she would only be five minutes away.  I hurried to pick up Maysen and got back right as the competition was over.  So sad. I hope they did okay.  I wish I could have seen it.  Preston did his back dive with no problem.  His front dive he had a hard time with again. Funny because he can do it in practice. He did the running commentary again.  "It's not working."  Mike didn't need to flip his legs over this time, so that was good.

We survived the swim meet.  It was LONG!  Jorja did an IM again and was great!  Preston makes me laugh.  He was doing his 25 meter freestyle.  He swims like he doesn't have a care in the world.  I was waiting for him when he got out.  The first thing he said was, "Mom, if someone really strong lifted up the swimming pool with people swimming inside it, would they feel the weight of the people?"  I asked him if this is what he was thinking about while he was swimming.  He said, "Only some of the time."  Haha!  He's the best!

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