Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Cloud Ice

Maysen was invited to dinner at a fancy Italian restaurant with her writing friends.  These are adult friends she made during her writing conference the end of June.  It was at The Gateway down in Salt Lake. I drove her there and wandered around while she was at dinner.  I read my scriptures while I was waiting and shopped a little.  I got a few cute things for Jorja.  Maysen had a great time at dinner.  After she even went with me to a store and tried on some clothes.  We got her a cute Down East slip thing.

We walked by a yogurt shop.  They had a sign outside that intruded me. It looked like they served the snowflakes we found in Hawaii.  We decided to check it out.  It was very similar, but the ice cream wasn't shaved as fine.  It was fun though!
When I went to take Maysen's picture she said, "You're serious?"  Yep. Ice cream is a big deal!

I got an update on my grandpa from my Aunt Jackie.  She said, "He is supposed to get out of ICU today but there weren't any beds available on the floor he was to go to.  He's tired but doing ok.  Chest tube is suppose to come out tomorrow.

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