Thursday, July 31, 2014

Jazzie's Party

Jorja has been looking forward to Jazzie's birthday party for months! She came up with an idea to get her friends to buy Jazzie an awesome present.  Jorja wanted to get her a 3ds.  Wow.  Anyway, she started talking to their friends about it before school got out.  She was able to pull it off.  Jazzie's mom sent me these pictures with the caption, "Jazzie's stunned face says it all!  Too cool that Jorja organized and wanted to do such a special thing like this for Jaz!!"  Jorja loves that girl!  I hope they can remain close friends now that they are going to different schools.  So heartbreaking!  I wish Jazzie lived close enough for Jorja to walk to her house, or ride her bike.  It's not terribly far, but there is a huge busy road to cross....that is too freaky for me.
Jazzie, Jorja, Dawson
 Jazzie & Jorja
It's so funny to see pictures of my kids where they are the tall ones! Anyway, today was the day that my kids chose to do stay-up-all-night night.  This started as a thing to do on the last day of school, but lately there has always been a reason it can't be done that night.  We do let them do it once a year though.  This time the kids wanted to wait until the house was finished.  They finally decided they had waited long enough and wanted to do it now.  I felt horrible and had no desire to participate in anything with them.  Mike got them pizza and candy and then we went to bed.

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