Friday, August 1, 2014

Out of Sorts

I woke up with a phone call from my dad.  It was 7:15.  I never sleep that late.  I was supposed to be at my dad's house at 7:00 to take him to the airport.  I couldn't believe I did that!  How embarrassing.  I didn't set an alarm because I wasn't worried about not being awake.  I didn't sleep well last night at all.  I finally took some medicine in the middle of the night.  Maybe that is why I slept so long.  I feel a little better this morning.

Stockton is the only one up.  Maysen went to bed a few minutes before I got up.  Preston crashed about 3 am.  Jorja didn't make it long at all. She came and got in bed with me.  We moved her to the guest bed after awhile.
I was at my dad's house by 7:25 and we made it to the airport by 8:00. His flight didn't leave until 9:10 so he was fine.  My dad and Cathy are heading to John and Cassie's house to see Brandon get blessed!  Wish I could come!  Mike's family has a big thing planned tomorrow so we couldn't make it.  Preston was up by the time I got home.  Stockton ended up sleeping most of the day.  Crazy kids.

I thought the appliance guys were going to come and finish yesterday, they did not show.  We were told they were coming today, show.  I really, really, really want to open the fridge easily.  Right now we can use it, but we have to pry it open with both hands.  We found out the ice maker was defective, that is why they took it away.  Mike was called by the warranty company confirming an appointment.  They wanted to put the defective ice maker in and then have someone come and fix it.  We didn't like that idea at all!  We would much rather have a working ice machine that is not broken.  Rob called and talked to them, hopefully we will get a new working one.  We paid for a new machine, not a broken one!  Maybe that is why they didn't show up.  Maybe they are waiting for a new ice machine?  I really, really, really want to open the fridge with one hand.  Now we will need to deal with this through the weekend.  I know, first world problems......still.....

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