Sunday, July 27, 2014


Jorja was excited to use our new grill.  Here it is being used for the first time.  Jorja loves our new kitchen.  I was really hoping everything would be finished while we were gone.  All that looked different were our cabinets had handles now on them.  The rest of the appliances were still sitting in their boxes around our house.  Even the hood that is right in front of our garage door.  Disappointing.
I was a bundle of nerves today.  I needed to teach and had not prepared anything.  I had asked Hadley-Kate if she would be willing to teach.  Of course she was.  Then I realized she would be at Oakcrest that week.  I did not want her to worry about it while she was there.  Lisa has now moved and Kristen is in Europe.  The lesson went okay.  We talked about the activity I'm in charge of for awhile.  It was supposed to be the Amazing Race, but I'm just not going to be able to pull it off right now, especially since I don't have any help.  We are changing it to water games at our house.  Hopefully it will be fun.  I'll be so relieved when that is over!

My Aunt Jackie called me today to talk about my grandpa.  He is scheduled for surgery tomorrow.  He has pneumonia.  They drained a lot of fluid from his lungs, but it came back.  It is really thick, like jello. He will need surgery to drain it.  Scary!  I hope he will be okay and recover quickly!

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