Saturday, July 26, 2014

Lake Powell Day 6

We had to leave Lake Powell today.  Boo!  We were secretly hoping that the weather would be too bad, but I do need to teach tomorrow so I'm glad that didn't happen.  Shannon took a family picture for me.  The first picture she took turned out great.  The rest . . . not so much.  When Shannon was done she said, "Sorry about your boys."  Or something like that.  That's okay, we got one good one.  I'm happy with that!
Preston, Jorja, Mike, Maysen, Stockton, Stephanie
 Preston and Stockton....really?
 Who are we kidding, it is Preston that is going wacko.
 Stockton just didn't like how I was hugging his shoulder.
 Preston, why do you do this?
 Luckily I got one good picture, so I can just laugh.
 I'm not sure what Mike was doing here.
Shannon took Erica and Michael on the boat.  The rest of us rode the houseboat and 'cleaned'.  Lisa was a cleaning machine!  I cleaned one bathroom.  I do everything slow.  Lisa got to the second bathroom before I did!  Mike had to crawl on the outside of the boat to do some things for Steve a few times.  At least in the picture below he has a life jacket on!  I did catch him doing it without a life jacket when he thought I wasn't looking.  I would have been so mad at him if he fell over and drowned!
 My boy.
We cleaned the outside of the boat when we arrived.  I did some windows, but not nearly as much as the others did.  I took my kids over to the bathrooms and found ice cream.  I walked up to the cars with Maysen and Jorja.  I ran back for something and was behind them. The others had taken a tram thing up.  Anyway, when I got to the top I had no idea where to look for them.  I kept calling and texting Mike, but or phones weren't working.  I shouted for him, nothing.  I walked and walked and walked.  I was starting to get nervous, so I headed back.  I saw Steve's boat and knew they would be nearby.  I was so relieved!  My feet were sore!  As we were driving back home, I was looking through a weeks worth of Instagram.  I saw this picture and my heart about broke.  My sweet, amazing, fearless, strong grandpa was in the hospital.  The caption read, "I took grandma to see grandpa today. They were so cute together.  You can't see it but they were holding hands and would not let go."
I was able to talk to my grandpa for a bit.  I really hope he gets better soon.  I love him so much.  We ended up getting home about an hour after midnight.  Lake Powell was fun, but it is good to sleep in our own beds!

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