Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Headed to HAWAII!

When Brett moved to Japan four years ago, we knew there was a chance they would stop in Hawaii on their way to their next assignment.  There is an Air Force base called Bellows that they can stay at.  It is right on the beach.  Literally.  Rachel told me that they were allowed to reserve two cabins.  Each cabin fits six.  I told them over and over how much we were hoping to be in the extra cabin.  At Christmas, Brett told me they decided not to go to Hawaii.  They would be anxious to get to Virginia and get everything settled.  Later he called and told me it would cost him $2,000 more not to stop in Hawaii. Works for me!  We used our frequent flyer miles and were able to get three tickets for free.  Still expensive, but more manageable.  Anyway.....

The day started off really early for me.  I was up until midnight packing.  I am NOT a night person.  I was really tired when I went to bed.  I got a phone call just before two am.  No one answered.  I was not amused.  About twenty minutes later I got a text that said, "Sup". Seriously not amused now.  I had a hard time falling back asleep.  I got up at 4:45 to go exercise.  I wanted to send a "sup" text this early!  I kept telling myself, "You are an adult.  Don't do it."  Kind of wish I did though.

My dad took us to the airport.  We had no problems.  Yay!  Our flight was non-stop.  Love that.  All of us had our own tv in our seat.  I watched, "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty".  Stockton played this caveman game the entire time.  He loved it.

We were unable to rent a van due to our awesome procrastination skills.  Mike ended up renting a jeep.  We called Brett and he headed to the airport to meet us.  (Actually we called Rachel's mom and she gave the phone to Brett.) I thought there was no way we would get all of our luggage and six people in the five seater jeep.  I was wrong.  All of our luggage fit and we were able to squish the kids in.  We waited awhile for Brett, but then we decided to leave the car rental parking lot and wait somewhere else.  We weren't sure if he would be able to get in the car lot.  We drove out and it took us directly to the freeway.  We couldn't figure out how to get off.  We called Rachel's mom again, hoping she could get ahold of Brett.  Brett had taken my number, but we didn't have his.  Rachel's mom had brought both Brett and Rachel cell phones.  So glad they have them now!  Wish I had Brett's number then. Rachel's mom didn't answer.  I called back a few minutes later and got ahold of them.  Neither of them knew Brett's number.  Dang it!  I felt really bad!  Rachel was able to call her dad and he knew Brett's number.  She got ahold of him and he ended up arriving at the base the same time we did.  Too bad it took 45 extra minutes out of his day.

Brett, Rachel and Rachel's mom are staying in one side of the cabin, we are staying in the other.  We are steps away from the beach.  It is amazing!  So beautiful!  The kids wasted no time getting in the water.  I wasted no time taking a million pictures.
Stephanie & Brett
 So glad my brother is back in America!
 Maysen & Stockton
 Jorja, Maysen, Stockton
 Brett & Mina
 Stockton & Preston
 Brett, Marie, Rachel
 Brett & Marie
 Mike, Stockton, Preston
 Brett & Marie
 Maysen & Jorja's legs
Jorja's legs sticking out of the ocean ended up being a familiar view
 Jorja & Maysen's head
 Maysen loved falling into the waves
 Brett & Marie
 Brett & Marie teaching Jorja how to ride
 Looks like she got it!
 Headless Preston & Stockton
 Stockton, Jorja wiping out, Marie & Brett
 The wave got Stockton too!
 Marie & Brett, Stockton & Jorja's heads
 Jorja & Preston
This week is going to be great!

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