Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Aloha Crepes

I started the morning running on the beach.  I woke up a little before five and had the beach to myself.  It was amazing!  I ran until I came to a pier.  In order to continue on the beach I needed to cross this little inlet thingy.  I was wearing shoes, so I decided to run to the road and cross the bridge.  That would have been fine and dandy, except it was pretty dark.  When I got to the parking lot I tripped over one of those white parking lot thingies.  I scraped up my knee and elbow.  I jumped up and kept on running.  I stopped on these cool rocks.  I stayed there and watched the sun rise.  I wish I brought my camera because it was so beautiful!  The only problem with being still so long was my knee really hurt on the way back.  I was distracted from the pain though.  I was running alone on the beach except for the hundreds of crabs.  It was so cool!  I had never seen anything like it before.  I wish my kids had been there.  So much fun!

We went to a swap meet today at Aloha stadium.  My friend Kristen told me about it.  She lived here for six years.  It is only opened Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays, so we figured today would be the best day to do it.  We have started collecting towels.  We want to get them embroidered with the date we visited on them.  Rachel brought one to me from Japan.  It's great!  This is the towel I picked out for Hawaii.  Mike had gone back to the car with the boys.  They were all shopped out.
 We didn't get these, but were really tempted!
Our plan was to go to Pearl Harbor after the swap meet.  I didn't realize tickets sold out quickly.  Luckily we found out before we drove there. We will save that for another day.  We drove around randomly looking for somewhere to eat.  I saw a crepe store with my eagle eyes.  Yes, I will take credit for it because it was amazing.  It was called Aloha Crepes.  YUMMY!  Mike got a breakfast crepe, Maysen an oreo one, Stockton's was filled with brownies and chocolate bars.  Way too chocolatey for me, but he loved it.  Preston got a s'more crepe.  I got an Acai bowl.  SO GOOD!  It was pureed acai berries topped with fruit.  I got the small bowl and was stuffed the rest of the day.  I didn't even know what acai berries were, but I've discovered they were purple and delicious.  The best find of all was Jorja's.  She picked out the snowflake.  Orange cream.  It was the most bizarre thing.  It looked like ice cream shavings.  It melted in your mouth.  Wow.
Stephanie with her Acai Bowl
 Stockton & Jorja with her orange snowflake
The rest of the day was spent in the ocean.  Marie spent quite a bit of time building a second ocean.  It didn't work out like she hoped.  I spent most of my time taking pictures.  I got in the ocean after awhile, but it really hurt my knee.  I was too afraid to get my elbow in the water judging by the pain on my leg.  I had fun though.  I just can't believe I fell on the first day of our vacation!  Hopefully it feels better tomorrow.
Maysen, Marie, Brett & the view from our cabin
 My beauties: Preston, Maysen, Stockton, Jorja
 Sad Porge?
 Our attempt at a jumping picture
 Jorja feet
 Marie, Jorja & Preston
 Brett, Marie, Jorja, Preston
 Working hard on second ocean
 Stockton & Maysen
 Maysen & Stockton
 Stockton - his head looks funny
 Stockton's head, Maysen, Brett
 Brett was really good at swimming with the waves
 Preston & Marie
 Goggle up!
 He's ready!
 Mayen, Jorja & Wiped out Stockton
 Brett, Maysen, Jorja, Stockton, Preston
 Maysen & Stockton
 Preston, Brett's arm, Maysen & Stockton
 Preston, Brett, Maysen, Stockton & Jorja
 Maysen's head, Preston & Jorja
 I spot a Mike!
 Preston, Mike, Jorja
 Preston, Mike
 Stockton & Maysen's heads
 Preston & Jorja
We ended up dragging Maysen and Stockton out of the ocean after dark.  Well, not literally, but it was dark when we finally asked them to come inside.  The ocean is fun.  This place is beautiful.  I like Hawaii.

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