Thursday, July 3, 2014

Polynesian Cultural Center

Jorja and Preston wanted me to wake them up early so they could go looking for crabs with Mike and I.  Preston bounded out of bed as soon as I touched his shoulder.  Jorja was a little more sleepy.  She didn't have much fun.  She didn't bring her glasses, so she couldn't really see the crabs.  Preston had a great time.  I took SO MANY pictures of him. He was just being incredibly adorable.  He is getting to a stage where he pulls faces when I try to take his picture.  Not this morning.  Good luck wandering through all the pictures!  I couldn't help myself.  One picture would look great, but then another one would have his head tilted slightly.  How am I supposed to choose between them?  Anyway, this morning was awesomely amazing!  Now for the pictures....
Jorja & Mike
 Preston marking how far the waves came
 Hard to see, but so many crabs!
 Mike, Jorja, Preston
 Jorja & Preston
 Mike LOVED chasing the crabs!
 Mike & Preston ~ I love this!
 Preston watching he dad act like a goofball
 Good thing his dad is the coolest person on the planet!
 The crab scared Mike and he ran away
 Jorja left a message in the sand for us
 Preston & Mike
Mike went back with Jorja.  She headed back a little earlier.  Preston and I took a lot longer!  It was beautiful and we were having such a great time!
 Preston pretending to jump in
 This is the water I didn't want to cross yesterday.
Today I went barefoot.
Preston and I went out on the dock and were shocked to find lots and lots of crabs!  Actually Preston was the only one who went out there.  I just took pictures of him.
Preston was a little nervous to climb up, but a fisherman came behind us and told Preston that they wouldn't hurt him.  Then the fisherman waited while I took some pictures of Preston.
 Man I love that kid!
 Notice the splash?  Story to follow...
 Preston at the edge of the dock
 Only getting blurry pictures now.
I put down my camera and about three seconds later a giant wave splashed over the dock.  The wave was twice the size of Preston!  It knocked him over.  The fisherman got to Preston before I did.  He helped him up and asked him if he was okay.  Preston said, "It was more fun than scary."  Oh how I wish I got that on camera!  It probably would have been blurry anyway.  On a side note, the dock is super slippery.  I found that out a few days later.  As we walked back along the beach Preston looked up at me and said, "That will make a good memory."
This is what the dock looked like from a distance.
That is the fisherman that helped Preston.
 If you look closely you can see Rachel's mom
She saw Preston get hit by the wave, but didn't know it was him.
 Imagine that spray just much much higher
 Tree jail!
 My baby...
 I didn't realize this was a jellyfish.
Glad I didn't get stung when I was poking it!
Brett took Mike and I to the marine base.  We wanted to reserve scuba diving.  Usually you can get better prices if you do it at the base. Bellows didn't have as many options as the other bases.  This base is closer than the one at Hickam, so the Bellows lady told us to go here. We got a little lost trying to find the right building.  Turns out they couldn't help us either.  We needed to go to Hickam after all.  Mike got around the problem by calling up the scuba place and asking if they had a military discount.  Got the same price.  Brett kept saying, "Why didn't I think of that?"  We did order tickets to the Polynesian Cultural Center through them, so it wasn't a complete loss.  Well, I think we could have ordered those at Bellows, but we did get a nice drive with the jeep top down.

My family spent the day at the cultural center.  We liked a lot of it, but some things were really long.  I'm glad we went.  It is a fun thing to do once, but it does make for a long day.  We stopped at a shrimp truck on the way up.  The Shrimp Shack.  Mike is the only one who likes seafood in our family, so it wasn't a big hit but Mike liked it.
Mike trying to start a fire
 Preston & Maysen
While the others were hard at work I was busy sipping coconut.  Just kidding.  I did want to try one.  Brett warned me that it tasted like sweaty feet.  I wonder how he knows what sweaty feet taste like?  I didn't like the coconut water, but I powered through.  Then I took the coconut back to the lady and she cut the meat up for me.  That was good!  Especially since she let me sprinkle this pink sweet seasoning on it.  I was surprised I liked it so much, and it filled me up for the rest of the day.
Stephanie ~ not very good
 MUCH better!
This was our favorite show.  It was at the island of Samoa I think.  That kid can climb a tree fast!
 This guy was funny.
 Jorja was so excited to make fish out of banana leaves
 Jorja, Stockton, Maysen & Mike making their fish
 Preston with his fish
 Hand moved in slightly, completely different picture!
 Ready to throw!
 Jorja, Stockton, Maysen, Mike
 Stephanie and Maysen
 Stephanie, Preston & Maysen
 Stephanie and Preston with our fish
 Jorja and Preston really fishing
We learned to Hula dance and rode in a canoe.  My favorite was when we took the tram to the Hawaii temple.  It is beautiful!  The driver told us that President Hinckley came here and didn't like the power lines that were on the street.  The church had the power lines put under ground.  It is a breathtaking view.
 Mike, Maysen, Jorja, Stockton, Stephanie, Preston
 Stephanie, Maysen, Jorja, Preston, Stockton, Mike
 Grumpy face Preston
 I love the background, completely different than Salt Lake
 The view from the temple, you can see the ocean
 My Porge
We got back just in time for the luau.  We each got our own lei with real flowers.  We had smoked pig and watched various Polynesian performances.  The highlight of the dinner for three of our kids was the pineapple drinks we got.  Yummy!  I loved the strawberry smoothie, but Jorja and Preston LOVED the pina colada.  Maysen preferred the water.
 Smoked pig
 Cute little kids
 Jorja & Preston
 Serious about that pina colada!
We stayed for the fire show.  That show was LONG!  And really weird. Stockton leaned over and mouthed, "I'm so bored!"  It was hard to sit through after such a long day.  I thought it was going to be a show mostly with fire, but that wasn't until the end.  When they did get there, it was really cool.  Preston loved the fire, which made him love the show.  He said, "That was worth $100!"  Haha!  Not sure where he came up with that price.  We had a long drive home.  All the kids fell asleep.  Luckily Mike and I didn't!  We sure did sleep well when we got back though!

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