Friday, July 4, 2014

Scuba Diving

My very favorite thing to do in Hawaii was getting up early to run/walk on the beach.  It was breathtakingly beautiful.  Preston liked to go with me.  Today it was just the two of us.  I loved it.  We had so much fun together.  This is my favorite picture from this morning.  Isn't that boy precious?  What a way to start off the Fourth of July!
I just had my phone, which I don't get great pictures on.  Especially when it isn't light outside, but you get the idea...
 Stephanie ~ taken by Preston
This is the evil parking lot thing that tripped me on my first run.  My arm and knee still sting, but it is getting a lot better.  Not as stiff and I was able to play in the ocean today!
Preston with the evil white thing
 Preston told me to show my muscles!
 Our shadows
 Preston & Stephanie
Preston crashed in the middle of these cinder blocks yesterday.  They were underwater and he didn't see them.  There was a little hole that he fell in.  Didn't hurt him too bad, but it was random.
 Our view
 Brett's half is close to us, our half is over by Preston
Mike, Maysen, Brett and I went scuba diving today.  Rachel played with the kids.  She took them miniature golfing and for pancakes.  Well, Stockton got chocolate chip pancakes, Preston m&m pancakes and Jorja got fried chicken.  Jorja kept asking to go back.  Anyway, back to scuba.  We got to the shop pretty early.  We had to fill out forms and wait.  When we finally got on the boat, we made two stops to pick up other people.  We then boated to our destination.  We were almost there when they realized there was some paperwork they forgot, so we had to turn around and go back.  Luckily half way there someone brought out the paperwork to us.  I started getting my gear on a little before we arrived at our spot.  The first thing was my shoes.  I felt something rubbery in mine.  Like a little ball.  I tried to feel around, but couldn't find it.  I thought I had it, but then lost it pretty quick.  I turned the shoe upside down and gave it a whack.  Out came a spider! GROSS! GROSS! GROSS!  I am not a big fan of spiders, but I'm not terrified of them, but this gave me the heebie jeebies!  I hate even thinking about it.  Shortly after it was time to get in the water.  All four of us jumped in.  Then everyone went straight down.  The water was a little colder than I was expecting.  I had my regulator in my mouth, but I could not get my breathing to calm down.  I don't know if it was because I was still creeped out about the spider or if it was the water or because I was wearing a wet suit that was kind of tight on my throat. Anyway, everyone went down except me.  Our guide came up and asked if I was okay.  In hindsight, what I should have said was, "I need a few minutes to get adjusted."  Instead I said, "I'm not going down. I'm going to stay up here.  I can't get my breathing under control."  I really think I would have been okay if I didn't need to immediately go under water.  I had told them that this was my first dive since I was certified and I was pretty nervous.  I guess no one took me seriously.  Mike and I went scuba diving on our honeymoon.  It was one of those quick introductory things.  When we went down, my goggles kept filling with salt water, no matter how many times I tried to clear it.  I had to go up early.  I became extremely claustrophobic and never wanted to do that again.  I have been nervous all the times I have done scuba in my classes, but my teacher was great.  I don't know if it was the salt water that made me freak out, but it was crazy how I could not stop breathing fast.  I ended up snorkeling while the others dove.  It wasn't the best snorkeling.  There wasn't much to see.  I did see a few fish and a turtle, but not too exciting.  It sounds like the other three had a great time, except for the part where Maysen got stung by a sea urchin.  The guide pulled out the nettles, but as Maysen was swimming she could see the green poison coming out of her fingers.  Poor girl!  When she got out of the water they had her put vinegar on her fingers to help dissolve the parts that were left inside her.

We drove a bit away to the next dive site.  I was planning on trying again, but Maysen didn't want to go, her fingers were hurting too much.  I decided to stay up with her.  Brett got sick on the way over. He threw up - a lot!  Poor guy.  I was laughing as I was taking pictures of him though.  Brett was a lot like Stockton growing up.  He got car sick really easily!  Brett and Mike went down the second time. Maysen and I snorkeled at the top.  The snorkeling was great this time.  We were swimming in the middle of hundreds of fish!  Literally!  It helped that a guy on the boat was throwing food in the water.
 One reason Brett is in the Air Force and not the Navy
Mike had the best time.  He giddily looked at me and said, "I think I'm hooked!"  I replied, "Really?  Because I was just thinking I hope I never have to do this again."  It's good to have separate hobbies.  At least I tried!

The rest of the day was spent playing in the waves.  Brett convinced Rachel to try scuba diving tomorrow.  She is going to go with her mom. Rachel tried to convince me to try again with her.  Nope.  I'm totally fine with how things played out.

We were hoping someone would be shooting off fireworks that we could watch from our cabin.  No such luck.  Rachel really wanted to see fireworks.  She hasn't seen fireworks for four years.  Brett didn't want to drive in traffic for them.  No fireworks for us this year.  Good thing Rachel will be close to DC next year.  I bet they will have some good ones!

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