Saturday, July 5, 2014

Pearl Harbor

We got up bright and early and headed over to Pearl Harbor.  We ended up getting tickets for 12:30.  We walked around a little.  We thought it was interesting to see all the Japanese tourists.  I guess Pearl Harbor would be an important part of Japanese history as well.
Japanese tourists
 Suicide submarine
 Jorja shooting down some planes
We decided to fill out time by heading to the swap meet again.  Jorja was disappointed she didn't get a Hawaiian dress, so she really wanted to go back.  The boys stayed in the car while we looked for a dress.  She found two really cute ones.  She also found a place she could get necklaces for under $1.  She picked up one for her and several for her friends.  She was pleased.  We thought it was cool that they have a Salt Lake Street in Hawaii.
Back to Pearl Harbor.  We took the ferry over to the U.S.S. Arizona memorial.  They had us watch a movie before we went.  I found it really interesting.  The kids thought it was bombs and boats.
Jorja, Preston, Maysen, Stockton, Mike
 Preston, Jorja, Stockton, Maysen at the Arizona memorial
 Stephanie, Preston, Stockton, Maysen, Jorja
We had lunch at Aloha Crepes.  We ordered different things to share. S'mores crepes, apple crepes, snowflakes.  I wish I had gotten another acai bowl.  It would have been the better choice for me.  Acai bowl and snowflakes.  Yumm!
Maysen, Jorja, Preston, Stockton & chocolate snowflake
After our morning adventures we spent the rest of the day on the beach!  Mike took pictures this time, so there are actually some of me. I put a lot of them in there because Maysen asked me if I was ever going to play in the ocean.  What?  She has just never noticed me out there I guess.  Mike and I stayed out later than the kids two days in a row.
Stockton & Maysen
 Maysen, Stockton & Jorja
 Marie & Stephanie
 Stephanie, Brett & Marie
 Maysen, Stockton, Stephanie
 Stockton, Jorja, Stephanie, Maysen
 Stephanie, Maysen, Stockton
 I love how he is holding his breath!
 Stockton & Maysen, Stephanie's head, Brett & Marie
The kids stayed home with Rachel's mom and had spaghetti.  Mike, Brett, Rachel and I went out to eat.  We ended up finding a Mexican restaurant.  Brett was so excited.  Hard to find good Mexican food in Japan, and when they did find it it wasn't very good.  This place was yummy.  We ran across the street to Cold Stone after.  Brett & Rachel were excited about that too.  Too bad I didn't bring the kids coupons they earned at the Polynesian Cultural Center!

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