Sunday, July 6, 2014

Sunday in Hawaii

This first picture is probably my favorite of the trip.  I love it.  I need to get some photoshopping skills so I can airbrush my wrinkles away, then it would be perfect.  I'll have to frame this for Jorja.  I just love it.
Stephanie and Jorja
Mike and I got up early to walk on the beach.  I know these pictures look the same as the other mornings I took the pictures, I'm going to post them anyway.  We sat and watched a crab for awhile.  It was quite a big crab.  We watched him go back and forth digging his hole.  It was fascinating.
 Mike in tree jail
 Stephanie and Mike ~ man, my hair is turning grey!
Brett found church to go to.  We made it to 9:00 sacrament meeting. The people there were super nice.  They asked us to go to the front of the chapel after the meeting so they could sing to us.  The first song of the meeting was Welcome, Welcome Sabbath Morning.  It was sung in Hawaiian.  They gave us the words so we could attempt to sing.  After the meeting was over all twelve of us went to the front.  The entire congregation stood and sang to us in Hawaiian.  It was a long song because it seemed to last forever!  A lady came up and kissed each of our cheeks and put a handmade lei around our necks.  It was really cool.  So cute to watch her kiss Stockton, and to see him be so respectful.  I thought it was a neat experience.

We left after sacrament.  Rachel took pictures of us on the beach.  The kids were good sports about it.
 Stephanie, Stockton, Jorja, wacky Preston, Maysen, Mike
 Stephanie & Rachel ~ Isn't Rachel adorable?
 Mike and Stephanie Hawaii...
 Mike & Stephanie
 Mike, Stephanie & Jorja
 Mike & Stephanie
 Mike, Jorja, Stephanie
 Mina, Brett, Marie, Rachel, Grace
 Rachel & Grace
Jorja tried on her other Hawaiian dress.  She really wanted this one because it was rainbow and had dragonflies. She looked adorable.  Be prepared for many pictures.
 Stephanie and Jorja
 My favorite!
The kids got changed and after a little bit of relaxing we headed out on a hike.
Brett flying Grace into Jorja and Preston
We went to Diamond Head.  We thought this would be a good Sunday activity.  We didn't realize we would need to pay to get in.  Brett called and asked Mike if we wanted to go anyway.  (We were already here, he called from his car.)  Mike said, "Well, we're here."  Mike thought that was a silly question.  I told him that Brett wanted to know because it was Sunday.  If we were with my dad we could have gotten in free with his national parks pass.  Too bad he didn't come.

The hike wasn't too bad.  My kids ran ahead with Mike.  I hiked with Marie holding her hand and listening to her tell me all sorts of stories.  I wish I could remember them all.  Serves me right for not writing it down right away.  I do remember her telling me that she wanted her mom to surprise her with her room, but in their next house she would tell her mom where to put everything in her bedroom.  There is a part in the trail that has a lot of pretty steep steps.  Marie was ahead of me and we were getting close to the top.  I said, "You're doing great Marie, don't stop!"  Someone behind me said, "Yes Marie, don't stop!  I won't be able to start again if I stop."  Then a whole bunch of people started chanting, "Marie! Marie! Marie!"  It was funny.  Marie wasn't even close to stopping.  She was such a good little hiker!  Once we made it to the top we had a view of practically the entire island.
Marie, Preston, Jorja
 Marie, Preston, Stephanie, Jorja, Stockton
 Random people with Mike, Maysen, Jorja, Stockton
 Cousins! Marie, Preston, Maysen, Jorja & Mina, Stockton
 Feet taken by Marie
Mike, Stockton, Maysen, Jorja, Preston, Stephanie
 Mike, Stockton, Maysen, Jorja, Preston, Stephanie
 Marie, Preston, Stephanie, Jorja, Stockton
Once we finished the hike we went back and played in the ocean.  We debated about this.  Normally I keep the kids out of water activities on Sunday, but we figured this was probably the best thing we could do. No one had to work and they were outside enjoying nature.  I'm sure going to miss swimming in the ocean everyday!

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