Sunday, July 20, 2014

Lake Powell Bound

Today is my Grandpa's 90th birthday and my brother Matt's 33rd birthday.  I tried calling my grandpa today, but I couldn't get through. Someone did answer the phone.  I heard lots of people talking.  I think I heard my Aunt Jackie.  Sounded like he had lots of company.  Hope he had a great birthday!  For Matt's birthday I brought him his Dominion game before we left out of town for a week.  My kids were shocked he forgot it!  They were impressed that it was the Dominion he forgot and not Anne.  We stopped by my dad's house on the way out of town.  We were pretty late because we spent forever looking for Jorja's goggles.  We had to leave without them.  As soon as we got to my dad's house, Jorja found her goggles on my dad's counter.  We didn't think to look there!  I was able to see Brett's family one last time. I got there right before they sang Happy Birthday to Matt.  I stayed for that and grabbed cake for my family and took it to the car.  We didn't end up leaving until after 7.  We got to Lake Powell around 1:30 in the morning.  We are staying on Steve and Shannon's houseboat with their family, Lisa, Nathan, Melissa, Derek and Nova.  It should be fun.  We have never experienced a houseboat before. We are pretty excited!

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