Monday, July 21, 2014

Lake Powell Day 1

We are now back from Lake Powell.  It was so much fun.  All the days are kind of blending together. Luckily my pictures are dated.  Basically the food was good, the weather was great, the scenery was amazing, the water was warm and the company was fantastic.  We launched out of Antelope Pointe in Page, Arizona.  We ended up docking at the end of Last Chance.  There was a teeny tiny beach area.  Perfect for Nova.  We had a beautiful little cove we could play in.  Jorja thought it was really cool that no one tells you where to go.  She loved that we were able to find our own spot.  We drove on the house boat for about three hours to get there.  Fun for us!  Shannon took Lisa, Michael and Jacob on the boat to scout for locations.  She might have taken others, I just can't remember.  As soon as we were parked, the first thing the kids did was play on the slide.  Understandable.
 Jorja & Stockton
 Preston loved sliding under the gate!
 Stockton had to try that as well.
 Maysen and Stockton
They had three paddle boards.  Two yellow ones and one blue one.  The yellow ones weren't as stable.  They are meant for 150 pounds or less. The kids (and adults) had a great time on these.
 Nathan, Derek, Steve, Mike tying down the houseboat
 Stockton & Jacob
 Stockton, Jacob, Brandon
 Stockton's going down!
 Brandon, Jacobs and the top of Stockton's head
 Brandon, Stockton, Jacob
 Jorja & Weston
The kids also loved jumping off the boat.  I wish there would have been a platform area for them to jump from.  Stockton tried to do his tricks perched up on the railing.  Kind of freaked me out.
 Sorry about your head Michael
 Maysen, Jorja
Jacob, Stockton, Brandon
 Maysen & Jorja
 Brandon, Stockton, Jacob, Maysen, Jorja
 Michael joining them
 Maysen and Jorja are going down!
 Jorja & Maysen
 Brandon, Stockton, Jacob
Michael's head
Jorja and Maysen ~ Jorja the tip is under water!
 Jorja & Maysen
 Jacob, Stockton, Michael, Brandon
 Michael wants them overboard!
 So close!
 Brandon, Michael, Stockton, Jacob
 That will do it!
 Maysen & Jorja
 Preston off the top of the houseboat
 Mike in the boat
Preston, Jorja & Maysen on the paddle board
Mike was excited to use his scuba stuff again.  Too bad there is no visibility down there!
 Maysen & Stockton
 Stockton's reverse
 Jorja looks like she is jumping in the boat.
 Stockton & Preston
Stockton was trying to get Brandon to do a flip.  He told him it was easy and just ran on this box thing and flung himself off the boat.  It looked so crazy and totally scared me, but it was really funny. Too bad I didn't get a picture of that!
Stockton & Brandon
 Preston and Jorja at the Relaxation Station
 Brandon did it!
 The first boating adventure

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